Από το μακρινό 1994, με την πρώτη έκδοση του INTIME Business στην αγορά, μέχρι και σήμερα με την τεχνολογική εξέλιξη, το ΙΝΤΙΜΕ Plus ανήκει στα καλύτερα προγράμματα της αγοράς, που μπορούν να παραμετροποιηθούν και να προσαρμοστούν στις ανάγκες και απαιτήσεις της δικής σας επιχείρησης.
User Friendly
User friendly Interface, using different colors and multiple windows, easy to manage and memorize.
Time & Attendance and Access Control
It supports timezones - access levels, electric lock and siren activation, all in the same software
Connection to clocks
biometric, proximity or magnetic for the proper management and utilization of your company's human resources
Encrypted Transfer of Sensitive Personal Data
Ανεξάρτητα από τον αριθμό των υπαλλήλων που απασχολεί η επιχείρηση, αλλά και τις ιδιαιτερότητές της (ελαστικά ωράρια, δίωρες απουσίες, μερική απασχόληση κλπ) το INTIME Plus υπολογίζει έγκαιρα και αλάνθαστα το χρόνο απασχόλησης του προσωπικού σας και συνδυάζει Ωρομέτρηση και Έλεγχο πρόσβασης στο ίδιο λογισμικό.
A program that speaks our language!
Daily , Weekly and Monthly results
Employee Leave Management
with entitled leave of absence and assigned leave (medical, educational etc) per year of employment and remaining leave balance per employee.
Calculating Official Holidays
Automatically calculating official holidays, Orthodox mobile holidays, national holidays and other holidays with the option of adding or deleting.
Detailed Employee Index
1. Register unlimited comments with automatic time stamp
2. Keeping additional data for each employee regarding payroll, insurance and access control
Working Time Analysis
in: Daytime & Nighttime and hour split into: Normal & Overtime
Creating a Work Plan
Montly employee work plan for every work day. At a glance, you can see the company's potential by analyzing the presence or absence of employees.
Excusable Absences
1. Two or three-hour absences with the ability to choose the type of absence from a table of pre-established reasons and designate as personal or service.
2. The user has the ability to intervene
Employee photo and Staff working Paper
Result statistics with the ability to choose the desirable printout and Bar Charts of human resources and day presences per department
Υπολογίστε τώρα την τιμή για το πακέτο που σας ταιριάζει!
Τερματικό ταυτοποίησης με χρήση κάρτας, pin & κωδικό
With multi-verification methods by combinations of PIN, password and
card, the SC403 guarantees high level of security and flexibility. Its
convenience and adaptability allow it to be well deployed in residential
housing, offices and any other public facilities.
Αδιάβροχο, ανθεκτικό και κομψό τερματικό βιομετρικής ταυτοποίησης
με χρήση δακτυλικού αποτυπώματος, κάρτας, pin & κωδικού
The TF1700, waterproof (IP65), dustproof, with extra durability in harsh conditions, is also suitable for outdoor enviroments and it guarantees the safe verification of the employees via fingerprint, card, pin and password.
Access Control with face & palm verification terminals and body temperature & mask detection terminals
ProFace X [TD] and SpeedFace-V5L [TD] adopt touchless recognition technology and new functions namely temperature detection
and masked individual identification which eliminate hygiene concerns effectively. They are also equipped with ultimate
antispoofing algorithm for facial recognition against almost all types of fake photos and videos attack, ensuring the security of your company.